Contact Me


The best way to contact me is through email.


Remind 101 is a safe app that allows you to exchange text messages with me. You can sign up as a parent or a student. It's simple.

  1. Send a text message to 81010
  2. Text the message @msclevenge
  3. You should get a message that asks you to reply with your full name. If you are signed up for other remind 101 lists from the phone number, it will probably skip this step. If you are a parent please include your name and your child's name i.e. Rachel Clevenger (Jessica's mom).
  4. You should get a text message from a different number saying you have been added to the class. Save that number as me in your contacts. When I send you or the class a text, it will come from that number. You can send me texts to this number.

You can also reach me at the high school.

Sandia High School

M&S Room 109

7801 Candelaria Rd. NE

Albuquerque, NM 87110

(505) 294-1511 ext. 30236